Saturday, January 28, 2023


AIMAN - What I learned from this CID project is that it is essential to have great teamwork. It is opportunity to learn from others’ mistakes and not repeat those mistakes by myself. In my opinion, leader should be able to organise the team so that the product or outcome can be achieved while the others can voice their suggestion and will be taken into consideration. I also learned that a good leader should have good judgement for the future and make a decision based on it so there will not be trouble to complete the task.

NADZMI - After I'm doing this project with my group members.. i Get a lot of new info and knowledge.. i learned that every problem we face can be solve in good ways if we work together as a team and as a family..

AIDIL - i learned a lot.. one thing is that whatever decision we make, it not only has a good effect but also a bad effect.. however we still have to do it because it is the right thing to do..

FIKRI - A lot of things happen when doing the project. Everyone is playing the best role for each part and has done a great job. I’ve learnt a lot of new knowledge and stuff from them and i will make sure the knowledge doesn’t goes to waste. I’m proud that they do excellent work and hope their best for the future.

NOREEN - As I reflect on our project, I have discovered what it feels like to be proud of my self. I have learned a lot in this past few weeks. The most supervising thing I think I have learned is that I am capable of so much more than I thought.

SYUHADAH - After completing this assignment, I realised that no matter how large the issue, we can always find the best answer if we work together. To address challenges, we must also think extensively and deeply.

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